Another Facebook fad has seemingly developed overnight- 'the no make up selfie', originally started for Breast Cancer Awareness. Now, whilst I'm all for charity and fundraising, I feel I can offer a little bit more than my spotty face to the world wide web. So, after texting my donation, I offer up some advice, on checking your beloved boobies and I'll probably throw in a few of my own experiences fitting lovely ladies who have been through breast cancer.
So let's get to the important part that many ladies are still a little unsure of; checking your boobs. There are lots of excellent little diagrams and bits and pieces of advice out there on the best way to do this, but my personal favourite is 'TLC'. Touch, Look, Check. It's a lovely little concise way of getting into a routine of checking your boobies and makes it a little less daunting, in my opinion.
Touch your breasts, does anything feel abnormal? You know your body best.
Look for any changes in the shape and texture of your breasts.
Check anything you may be unsure of with your GP. That's what they're there for after all!
Try to get yourself into a wee routine of checking, a good time is in the bath or shower. Most cases of breast cancer are picked up by you lovely ladies being aware of changes to your boobs.
Look out for these particular changes, when you are checking your breasts
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Breakthrough have also developed a nifty wee app for iPhone and Android, with a handy wee reminder service and some very useful videos. It also gives you some great little tips on how your lifestyle may increase your risk of breast cancer. You can download it here.
If you are one of the inspiring ladies who has experienced breast cancer and as such has had a mastectomy or lumpectomy, I can't encourage you enough to get fitted. This is understandably a nerve-wracking concept to many ladies who have had these procedures and who may now be wearing a prosthesis. You are not alone and you have every bit the same right as all of us to feel gorgeous, feminine and sexy in your lingerie. You are not restricted to a life of non-wired and non supportive bras lovely ladies! True, you are usually recommended to stay in your non-wired bras until your scar tissue is lovely and healed and not quite as tender, but you can eventually get back into wires.
Many, many women in this particular situation are very unaware of their lingerie options, but there are so many gorgeous (wired) bras out there that work perfectly with a prosthesis, (double or single). I have fitted many ladies who have come to the point where they have given up on finding the correct sized bra with their prosthesis and have accepted that they never will. A well trained fitter should spend time with you finding the correct size and shape of bra for your body, whilst being the style you desire.
So get yourself fitted ladies! There are many wonderfully skilled bra fitters who are kind and knowledgeable and will put you at ease. There is not enough information about where is good to get fitted, however I would always recommend Debenhams (Argyle Street if you are in Glasgow).
Be breast aware and be part of the bra revolution, ladies.
Leave comments or get in touch, I'd love to hear from you & your experiences.
Great advice & really helpful info! I wish there was more of this info around and maybe a few less makeup free selfies! Thanks xx
ReplyDeleteThe Miss Beauty Saver Blog
Thanks so much! Yeah I thought it was a tad more helpful than my ugly mug lol. Glad you enjoyed :) xo